
GK Dermatology provides treatment of vitiligo in Weymouth MA (our South Shore MA dermatology office).

What Is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a a disease that causes the loss of skin color in blotches that can be widespread – it may also affect hair, the inside of the mouth and even the eyes. This disorder of pigmentation occurs when the cells that produce melanin in the skin (melanocytes) die or stop functioning. The condition affects people of all skin types, but is more noticeable in dark-skinned individuals. It is not contagious but can be very stressful. Its cause has not been fully clarified but may be related to an attack of the immune system to melanocytes with subsequent destruction of these cells.

Treatment Of Vitiligo In Weymouth MA

Treatment for vitiligo may improve the appearance of the affected skin but does not cure the disease. Medical treatment for vitiligo includes topical medications and light therapy. Narrowband UVB therapy, the most effective light therapy, is available at GK Dermatology. Cases affecting predominantly hands and feet can be treated with the Hand and Foot narrowband UVB therapy that is also available at GK Dermatology. Response to light therapy is gradual, and substantial repigmentation typically requires several months of light therapy. Surgical treatments can be used if medical treatments, such as the combination of topical medications and narrowband UVB therapy, fail.

To schedule an appointment regarding evaluation and treatment of vitiligo in Weymouth MA at GK Dermatology (South Shore MA vitiligo specialists), please call 781-812-1078 to schedule a consultation and learn more about this procedure.