Thread Lift

Thread lifts are an innovative non-surgical procedure that can lift sagging skin. This FDA approved technology uses resorbable sutures that have been used in cardiovascular surgery for decades. GK Dermatology is pleased to offer thread lift services in Greater Boston and South Shore Massachusetts. The information below will help you gain a better understanding of this procedure and its benefits.

What do thread lifts entail?

Thread lifts include, among others, face contouring (cheek enhancement, jawline lift, brow lift, nose augmentation), neck lift (double chin reduction), body contouring (upper arm and chest tightening), wrinkle attenuation (crows feet and peri-orbital zone, forehead, cheeks, upper lip), volumization, skin rejuvenation (general and of atrophic scars), skin tightening, and pore size reduction.

How is a thread lift performed?

Threads are inserted through minimal incisions underneath the skin, instantly lifting, tightening and contouring areas suffering from volume loss. This process also stimulates the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin. This results in a more youthful appearance noticeable in the weeks following treatment. The lifting effect is similar to a surgical lift’s. 

What are the benefits of a thread lift?

In performing thread lift services in Greater Boston, we have noticed instant and immediate results in our patients. It is an office procedure that, contrary to a surgical face-lift, does not require general anesthesia. It is performed under local anesthesia. Also, there is no downtime with a thread lift when compared to a surgical face-lift (which involves significant downtime). Finally, a thread lift provides longer lasting results (12 months or more) than most injectables.

What should I expect after thread lift services in Greater Boston?

You can experience a dull achey feeling around the lower face immediately afterwards, but nothing that an over-the-counter pain medication can’t relieve. This only lasts for a day or so. You can return to your normal life immediately. However, it is important to avoid strenuous exercise for a couple of days. Following the aftercare instructions provided by Dr. Kroumpouzos significantly improves the results of your thread lift.

For additional information on thread lift services in Greater Boston and South Shore, MA, please call 781-812-1078 to schedule a consultation today! We are happy to answer any questions that you may have about this or any of our other services.