Can mood affect the skin?

  • Posted on: May 24 2017
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We all experience skin issues at some time in our lives. Although they are common during the teenage years, it is certainly not restricted to it. The fact is, skin issues can occur well into adulthood. As you explore the potential causes of skin problems, you will naturally consider the obvious culprits such as foods that you are eating and environmental factors. It’s important to also ask, “can mood affect the skin?”

How Can Mood Affect the Skin?

Stress, depression, anxiety, and other negative emotions can affect the skin in different ways and to varying degrees. The length of time that these emotions persist can also play a role in the severity and recurrence of any resulting skin conditions. Problems can include anything from acne to psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, hives, itching, and more.

Why does mood affect the skin? There is often a chemical response in your body when it comes to emotions. Moods can reduce the skin’s ability to heal, increase cortisol levels in the bloodstream, weaken skin cells, interrupt collagen production, etc. These changes to your body will naturally result in a physical change to your skin.

Clinical Perspectives of Mood-Related Skin Issues

Most people do not realize just how much mood can affect the skin. In fact, it’s not uncommon for people to seek assistance from a dermatologist, not realizing that a psychological issue may be the source of the problem. Resolving some mood-related skin issues may require both a dermatological and psychological approach. Dr. Kroumpouzos specializes in mood-related skin conditions and authored two recent articles on this topic.

Posted in: Acne, Other Conditions, Psoriasis