Best Anti-Aging Tips
- Posted on: Nov 14 2016
Wish your skin looked younger with less noticeable lines, fewer brown marks and better texture? While there are genetic factors that cannot be controlled, the damaging effect of external factors such as ultraviolet light (UV) can be blunted by the right anti-aging care.
Diet affects how you visibly age, because nutrients reach your skin from inside your body. Most dermatologists agree that drinking a lot of water, i.e. no less than a liter a day, and cutting down on processed foods and sugars are very beneficial to skin. Also, vitamin D supplementation and obtaining omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids from natural sources (olive oil, ground flaxseed, salmon) will help protect the moisture barrier of the skin that tends to thin out and dry as you age.
Having a better control on your sun exposure is recommended as the sun damages elastin and causes a loss of collagen in the skin. Cutting your sun exposure to half, and implementing ways of effective sun protection such as UV-protective clothing and daily sunscreen with SPF at least 30 are ways to minimize the damaging effects of UV light to the skin.
Establishing a smart morning-night routine is highly recommended by dermatologists. Starting in the morning with a recommended broad spectrum sunscreen helps protect the collagen produced overnight from the damaging effects of UV light during the day. Removing makeup, washing your face, and then applying a retinoid and moisturizer are pillars of skin care before going to bed.
Your dermatologist may recommend other cosmetic products. Dr. Kroumpouzos will determine your skin type (sensitive, aged skin, brown skin) and match cosmeceutical ingredients to that type. Finally, cosmetic procedures such as chemical peels and laser resurfacing help reverse the signs of skin aging. Preventing skin aging is a continuous battle, and implementing a dermatologist-recommending anti-aging care can help you win it!
Posted in: Cosmetic Product, Skin Aging, Skin Care, Skin Rejuvenation, Sun Protection